MediaWiki talk:Gadget-TargetedTranslations.js

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RFM discussion: May–August 2017

See MediaWiki talk:Gadget-AcceleratedFormCreation.js#RFM discussion: May–August 2017.

Hyphen to dash


@Yair rand: Can you change - to — (line 105: NavHead.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' - '));) for consistency with {{trans-see}}? (LiquidThreads did not work.) J3133 (talk) 14:00, 29 January 2024 (UTC)

Start a new discussion


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Edit request005:31, 8 September 2014
Images don't load114:16, 28 July 2014

Edit request

Edited by another user.
Last edit: 05:31, 8 September 2014

Hi, as Global interface editor, I tried to edit this script page, but was blocked by an AbuseFilter that simulates custom page protection on this page (filter 24, hardcodes local user groups only, see bug 60191). Could someone please replace the page with the following code on my behalf? (Be sure to copy the contents from between <pre> and </pre> in source mode.

/*jshint unused:true */
// This is a modified version of [[User:Atelaes/TargetedTranslations.js]]

function clarifyTransTable() {

   function setStartVars() {
      targetedTranslationsCookie = ('localStorage' in window?localStorage.TargetedTranslations:getCookie('TargetedTranslations')) || '|';
      targetLanguages = targetedTranslationsCookie.split('|')[0].split(';');
      targetSubLanguages = targetedTranslationsCookie.split('|')[1].split(';');
      targetLanguagesParents = {};
      while(targetSubLanguages[0]) {
         (targetLanguagesParents[c = targetSubLanguages[0].split('/')[1]] = targetLanguagesParents[c] || []).push(targetSubLanguages.shift().split('/')[0]);


   var targetLanguages, targetSubLanguages, targetLanguagesParents, c, targetedTranslationsCookie,
      targetTrans, targetTransEmpty,
      tables = $('.translations').toArray(),
      lis, li, dls, dds,
      NavHead, temp;

   // For lis, check if language is targeted
   function isRight(node) {
      for (var l = 0, ll = targetLanguages.length, t = node.innerText||node.textContent; l < ll; l++) {
         if (t.indexOf(targetLanguages[l] + ':') === 0) {
            return true;
   // For dds, check if sub-language is targeted
   function isRight2(node) {
      if (temp = targetLanguagesParents[(node.innerText||node.textContent).split(':')[0]]) {
         node = node.parentNode.parentNode; node = (node.innerText||node.textContent).split(':')[0];
         for (var l = 0; l < temp.length; l++) {
            if (temp[l] == node) {
               return true;

   for (var i = 0, tableslength = tables.length; i<tableslength; i++) {
      if (tables[i].className == 'translations') {
         if(targetedTranslationsCookie != '|') {
               targetTrans = document.createElement('span');
               targetTransEmpty = true;
            lis = tables[i].getElementsByTagName('li');
            for (var j=0, lislength=lis.length; j<lislength; j++) {
               dls = (li = lis[j]).getElementsByTagName('dl');
               //If we have subelements in the li....
               if (dls.length == 1) {
                  if (isRight(li) && li.childNodes[1].nodeName != 'DL') {
                     temp = document.createElement('span');
                     for (var k=0; k<li.childNodes.length; k++) {
                        if (li.childNodes[k].nodeName != 'DL') {
                     if (!targetTransEmpty) {
                        targetTrans.appendChild(document.createTextNode('; '));
                     targetTransEmpty = false;
                  dds = dls[0].getElementsByTagName('dd');
                  for (var k=0; k < dds.length; k++) {
                     if (isRight2(dds[k])) {
                        temp = document.createElement('span');
                        temp.innerHTML = (dds[k].parentNode.parentNode.innerText||dds[k].parentNode.parentNode.textContent).split(':')[0] + ': ' + dds[k].innerHTML;
                        if (!targetTransEmpty) {
                           targetTrans.appendChild(document.createTextNode('; '));
                        targetTransEmpty = false;
               } else if (isRight(li)) {
                  temp = document.createElement('span');
                  temp.innerHTML = li.innerHTML;
                  if (!targetTransEmpty) {
                     targetTrans.appendChild(document.createTextNode('; '));
                  targetTransEmpty = false;
            if (!targetTransEmpty) {
               NavHead = $(tables[i].parentNode.parentNode).find('.NavHead')[0];
               NavHead.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' - '));

   function addTargetedTranslationsButton(node) {
      var button=node.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createElement('div'),node).appendChild(newNode('a',
           'Select targeted languages',
                  for(var i=0;i++<4;){
                     button.parentNode.nextSibling.getElementsByTagName('ul')[i%2].style[i<3?'listStyleImage':'listStyleType'] = 'none';
                  button.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode('a','Save preferences',{'style':'font-size:85%;','href':'javascript:location.reload(true)'}),button);

   function addtargetlangfavoriteicons(q) {
      function w(x,xx){
         if((xx && isRight2(x)) || ((!xx) && isRight(x))){
            x.firstChild.className += 'checked';
      for(var i=0;i<q.length;i++) {
         for(var ii=0, xx=q[i].getElementsByTagName('dd');ii<xx.length;ii++){

   function selecttargetlangfavorite(qq,xx) {
      if((xx && isRight2(qq.parentNode)) || ((!xx) && isRight(qq.parentNode))){
         temp = targetedTranslationsCookie;
         if(!xx){ // rm li pref
            temp = (';'+temp.split('|')[0].replace(/;/g,';;')+';').replace(';'+(qq.parentNode.innerText||qq.parentNode.textContent).split(':')[0]+';','').replace(/;(?=;)|;$|^;/g,'') +'|'+temp.split('|')[1];
         } else{ // rm dd pref
            temp = temp.split('|')[0]+'|'+temp.split('|')[1].replace((qq.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.innerText||qq.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.textContent).split(':')[0]+'/'+(qq.parentNode.innerText||qq.parentNode.textContent).split(':')[0],'').replace(/;(?=;)|;$|^;/,'');
      } else{
         temp = targetedTranslationsCookie;
         if(!xx){ // add li pref
            temp = temp.replace(/\|/,(temp.charAt(0) == '|'?'':';') + (qq.parentNode.innerText||qq.parentNode.textContent).split(':')[0] + '|');
         } else{ // add dd pref
            temp += (temp.split('|')[1]==''?'':';') + (qq.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.innerText||qq.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.textContent).split(':')[0]+'/'+(qq.parentNode.innerText||qq.parentNode.textContent).split(':')[0];
      if('localStorage' in window){
         localStorage.TargetedTranslations = temp;
      } else{
         setCookie('TargetedTranslations', temp);

wgNamespaceNumber || window.suppressTargetedTranslations || $( clarifyTransTable );

This is loaded for all users, therefore taking liberty to edit as if it's Common.js (should be moved to gadget for faster loading).
Edit summary:

Changes: Made code style more consistent with itself, fixed use of deprecated addOnloadHook, removes unused vars, Use jQuery(selector).toArray instead of legacy fallbacks

Krinkle (talk)08:48, 30 March 2014

Images don't load


I've the following error with FF 30.0: "GET [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 127ms]

Same for the others images.

Could you please take a look at this?

Automatik (talk)14:04, 28 July 2014

Fixed. Thank you for pointing this out.

Yair rand (talk)14:16, 28 July 2014