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  • Input filler for TranslationAdder.js
  • Author So9q
  • Year: 2019
  • License: GPL-v3 or later
  • Synopsis: When you hover over a translation it will be copied into the input of TranslationAdder (TA) in the same section.
  • Tip: The FilterTranslations.js script is very useful to hide the clutter when translating.


Out of the box the script fills for the following languages:


Filling of languages can be customized.

Customize languages

Add the following line to your common.js (replacing code with the language you want or * for all languages):

window.CustomInputFillerLanguages = "[lang=code]"

Multiple languages can be selected like this:

window.CustomInputFillerLanguages = "[lang=code1], [lang=code2]"

Possible improvements

Please contribute ideas for improvement on the talk page.

function processor(object) {
	//console.log("processor fired");
	// only fire in translation-cell
	if ($(object).parent().parent().parent().prop("tagName") == "TD" ||
	// needed for nested ones like bokmål
	$(object).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().prop("tagName") == "TD") {
		// extract data from the entry
		var lang = $(object).attr("lang");
		// find the next sibling that has a gender.
		var gender =
		// object only supports qualifiers that come after the term
		var qualifier =
		var literal =

		// find input objects for TranslationAdder
		var common =
		var cpl =
		var neuter =
		var npl =
		var qual =
		var lit =
		var word =

		// insert the data
		switch (lang) {
			case "de":
			case ("nb" || "no"):
				var str = $(object).text();
				str = str.replace(/gj/gi, "g");
				str = str.replace(/ggi/gi, "gni");
				str = str.replace(/(.*)sj/gi, "$1si");
				str = str.replace(/skj/gi, "sk");
				str = str.replace(/kj/gi, "k");
				str = str.replace(/farg/gi, "farv");
				str = str.replace(/eil/gi, "ejl");
				str = str.replace(/ei(.*)/gi, "ej$1");
				str = str.replace(/ff$/gi, "f");
				str = str.replace(/kk$/gi, "k");
				str = str.replace(/ll$/gi, "l");
				str = str.replace(/rt$/gi, "ret");
				str = str.replace(/ss$/gi, "s");
				str = str.replace(/tt$/gi, "t");
				str = str.replace(/het$/gi, "hed");
				str = str.replace(/rsk$/gi, "risk");
				str = str.replace(/^uut/gi, "uud");
				str = str.replace(/^uopp/gi, "uop");
				str = str.replace(/^opp/gi, "op");
			case "sv":
				var str = $(object).text();
				str = str.replace(/Ö/g, "Ø");
				str = str.replace(/Ä/g, "Æ");
				str = str.replace(/ö/g, "ø");
				str = str.replace(/ä/g, "æ");
				str = str.replace(/a$/gi, "e");
				str = str.replace(/ck$/gi, "k");
				str = str.replace(/ll$/gi, "l");
				str = str.replace(/rn$/gi, "ren");
		// Fill in gender only for a subset of the languages
		if (lang == "da" || lang == "de" || lang == "fr"
			|| lang == "nb" || lang == "nl"
			|| lang == "no" || lang == "sv") {
			if (gender == "c" || gender == "m" || gender == "f"
				// Support nb double genders
				|| gender == "m or f" || gender == "m or n") {
				common.prop('checked', true);
				neuter.prop('checked', false);
				npl.prop('checked', false);
				cpl.prop('checked', false);
			if (gender == "n") {
				common.prop('checked', false);
				neuter.prop('checked', true);
				npl.prop('checked', false);
				cpl.prop('checked', false);
			// Note, these have invisible nbsp; in them
			if (gender == "c pl"
				// support erroneous plural also
				|| gender == "pl") {
				common.prop('checked', false);
				neuter.prop('checked', false);
				cpl.prop('checked', true);
				npl.prop('checked', false);
			if (gender == "n pl") {
				common.prop('checked', false);
				neuter.prop('checked', false);
				npl.prop('checked', true);
				cpl.prop('checked', false);
		var log = "Fired ".concat(lang," Gender: ",gender);;
function customize() {
	if (typeof window.CustomInputFillerLanguages == 'undefined') {
	// CustomInputFillerLanguages is not defined, set to defaults
	window.CustomInputFillerLanguages =
	"[lang=da], [lang=de], [lang=fo], [lang=fr], [lang=nb], [lang=nn], [lang=nl], [lang=no], [lang=sv]";

function helper() {
	// enable customization
	// setup timer
	var timer;
	var delay = 750; // ms
	//console.log("helper fired")
				// pass 2 functions to hover
				function() {
					window.$thiz = $(this);
					// on mouse in, start a timeout
					timer = setTimeout(function() {
						// do your stuff here
					}, delay);
				}, function() {
					// on mouse out, cancel the timer
} //close helper
// main