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wrong side out or up; anti-
guilt; crime; fault
guilt; crime; fault; blame; sin
trad. (反人類罪) 人類
simp. (反人类罪) 人类
Literally:anti-humanity crimes”.
Wikipedia has an article on:






  1. crime against humanity
    利比里亞軍閥頭目查爾斯·泰勒因為徵用童兵劫掠謀殺戰時強姦國際法庭裁定戰爭罪反人類罪判處50有期徒刑 [MSC, trad.]
    利比里亚军阀头目查尔斯·泰勒因为征用童兵劫掠谋杀战时强奸国际法庭裁定战争罪反人类罪判处50有期徒刑 [MSC, simp.]
    Lìbǐlǐyà jūnfá tóumù chá'ěrsī tàilè yīnwèi zhēngyòng tóngbīng, jiélüè, móushā hé zhànshí qiángjiān děng zuì, bèi guójì fǎtíng cáidìng fàn zhànzhēngzuì hé fǎnrénlèizuì, pànchù 50 nián yǒuqītúxíng. [Pinyin]
    Liberian warlord Charles Taylor was convicted by an international court for war crimes and crimes against humanity due to conscription of child soldiers, looting, murder and wartime rape, and was sentenced to 50-year imprisonment.