User:Angus kst

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UTC+10 This user's time zone is UTC+10 and observes Daylight Saving Time (in the Southern Hemisphere).
en-AU This user is a native speaker of Australian English.
This user's native script is the Latin alphabet.
This user has an intermediate understanding of the Cyrillic alphabet.
zh-2 该用户能以中级中文进行交流。

This user has an intermediate understanding of Simplified Chinese.

This user has a basic understanding of Hanzi.

This user has a basic understanding of the Japanese script.
ja-1 この利用者は簡単日本語ができます。
ru-1 Этот участник владеет русским языком на начальном уровне.
vi-0 Người này không hiểu tiếng Việt.
{{t}}-0 This user knows little about wiki templates and just mimics existing usage.
JS-4 This user can write and understand all kinds of complex JavaScript code.
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Angus has little experince contributing to wiki's but wishes to try his best to contribute, he is receptive to feedback so tips are welcome.

Real life Activities

  1. Enjoys running
  2. Enjoys sketching
  3. Enjoys making music
  4. Enjoys learning