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  • IPA(key): [mʲiˈsːurʲi]
  • (file)

Proper noun[edit]

Міссу́рі (Missúrif inan (indeclinable)

  1. Missouri (a river in the United States)

Proper noun[edit]

Міссу́рі (Missúrim inan (indeclinable)

  1. Missouri (a state of the United States)

Usage notes[edit]

In Ukrainian, non-Slavic proper nouns and most loanwords ending in or are indeclinable and take on the gender of their superordinate. Thus, Міссурі is masculine when referring to the state because штат (štat, state) is masculine, and feminine when referring to the river because ріка (rika, river) is feminine.

Derived terms[edit]