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Old Irish citations of accuis

  • c. 800, Wb. 9b19:
    armain bed accuiss napreceptesin
    for if it were not the cause of that teaching
  • c. 845, Sg. 200a13:
    ité tra indi accuis insin arṅdid coitchen trechenelæ sui
    those then are the two causes why sui is common trigeneric
  • c. 875, Ml. 35a8:
    ní si accuis insin arinrogab duaid
    that is not the reason for which David sang it
  • c. 875, Ml. 36c11
    sainaccuis do duaid sech cách
    a special cause to David apart from others
  • c. 875, Ml. 38c4:
    danuicsom dofortacht in dligid rogabad tri immaircidetaid fris innaicsin forarobae
    he applies it to support the saying that was uttered through congruence to the cause on which he was engaged
  • c. 875, Ml. 46b14
    cenfochunn ⁊ cenaccuis
    without cause and without occasion
  • c. 875, Ml. 51d14–15:
    huaderet .i. sechis rofailsigestar son condat reli inna aicsin hisin
    he uncovered, that is, he revealed, so that those causes are mainfest
  • c. 875, Ml. 57a3:
    nach accuis trissa·n-étatsat-som inna anu hisin at·belat sidi ⁊ inna soinmecha fesin
    every cause through which they obtained the riches, they [the causes] shall die and the prosperous things themselves
  • c. 875, Ml. 62a22:
    oin dinaib aicsenaib inso
    this is one of the causes
  • c. 875, Ml. 104c1:
    issí ade accuis
    this is the cause
  • c. 875, Ml. 118d10:
    cetheoira aicsin ad·fét-som sunt sís ara·neirnestar d(o)ib-som ara·cotar do (ath)chumt(u)ch a tír
    four causes he sets forth here below for which it should be expected by them that their land will be obtained for rebuilding
  • c. 875, Ml. 126d17
    without cause
  • Ml. = Milan Glosses on the Psalms, published in Thes. 1:7–483
  • Sg. = St. Gall Glosses on Priscian, published in Thes. 2:49–224
  • Thes. = Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus (1901–03, Cambridge University Press; reprinted 1975, 1987, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies), edited and with translations by Whitley Stokes and John Strachan, 2 vols.
  • Wb. = Würzburg Glosses on the Pauline Epistles, published in Thes. 1:499–712.