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English citations of blightscape

Noun: "a vulgar, decaying, or ruined place"[edit]

1993 1999 2003 2008 2009 2014 2019
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1993, The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Sixth Annual Collection (eds. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling), page lxxix:
    The film moves Barker's decaying British urban blightscape to an even grungier Chicago and the Cabrini-Green wasteland.
  • 1999, Let's Go USA 1999, page 130:
    There are real signs of life and renewed commitment in the urban blightscape.
  • 2003, Gary Shteyngart, The Russian Debutante's Handbook, pages 142-143:
    Around them swirled the blightscape of motels with German and Canadian flags, crappy chain restaurants with electrified cows and lobster tails, and, of course, the ubiquitous palms, those dear old friends of the temperate Northeasterner.
  • 2008, Robert N. Chan & Zahirah Abdulah, Bad Memory, page 57:
    The cracked flagstone path leads to the only house in sight, a large, ramshackle tarpaper-shingled abomination straight out of an Appalachian blightscape.
  • 2009, Nelson George, City Kid, unnumbered page:
    We'd emerge from the subterranean station into Forty-second Street's urban blightscape: the tawdry glow of crumbling old theaters; noisy-clanging-beeping pinball arcades; greasy luncheonettes; and cheap-looking hookers.
  • 2014, Jeremiah Liend, The Book of Q, page 200:
    He flew past images archived and remembered. Massive deer exploding with hot plasma. Flying over the blightscape of North Dakota.
  • 2019, Craig Mod, The Glorious, Almost-Disconnected Boredom of My Walk in Japan, Wired (29 May 2019);
    Long before America declared independence from the British, this unbroken road was a culturally rich circus littered with thousands of inns and tea houses, lacquerware craftsmen, comb stores, sake breweries, swordmakers, brothels, soba shops, temples, and shrines. Today, chunks of it have been appropriated for national highways and look like a suburban blightscape: pachinko gambling parlors, chain ramen shops, big-box drug stores.