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English citations of interphobia and inter-phobia

Noun: "fear, dislike, or hatred of intersexual people and/or intersexuality"

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2016, Viola Amato, Intersex Narratives: Shifts in the Representation of Intersex Lives in North American Literature and Popular Culture, page 193:
    First, the sexualization of women with AIS denies to a certain extent the dangers of cis-hetero-male violence directed at gender variant individuals, in particular trans women and intersex women, which is motivated by homo-, trans- and interphobia.
  • 2016, Alyson K. Spurgas, "(Un)Queering Identity: The Biosocial Production of Intersex/DSD", in Critical Intersex (ed. Morgan Holmes), unnumbered page:
    For those intersex activists who reject DSD, an alliance between intersex and trans people makes sense in that both groups are marginalized as a result of widespread acceptance and institutionalization of sexism, homophobia, and trans and inter-phobia.
  • 2017, Matt Broadway-Horner, "Ageing, Sexual Orientation and Mental Health: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Older People", in Anti-discriminatory Practice in Mental Health Care for Older People (eds. Pauline Lane & Rachel Tribe), page 242:
    While the above studies have highlighted some of the many challenges that LGBTi people face and the negative effects of transphobia, biphobia and interphobia, it is also important to consider any positive outcomes that have emerged from these challenges for the respective communities.
  • 2017, Thomas Keith, Masculinities in Contemporary American Culture: An Intersectional Approach to the Complexities and Challenges of Male Identity, page 283:
    Behrensen condemns the practice of targeting certain athletes and subjecting them to the indignity and humiliation of a procedure that has no bearing on athletic ability and that further violates privacy in the service of accommodating interphobia.
  • 2018, August McLaughlin, Girl Boner: The Good Girl's Guide to Sexual Empowerment, unnumbered page:
    I knew those attitudes were out there, but I'd already learned that I had to reject the racism I'd experienced as a child, and the homophobia later on, so it seemed natural to also reject the interphobia I saw directed at intersex people.
  • 2019, Ellis Cashmore, Kardashian Kulture: How Celebrities Changed Life in the 21st Century, unnumbered page:
    Homophobia, transphobia and intersexphobia (or interphobia, as it's sometimes called) persist, even if their life force has been draining for the past few decades – and will probably continue to drain.
  • 2019, Sonja J. Ellis, Damien W. Riggs, & Elizabeth Peel, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex, and Queer Psychology: An Introduction, page 187:
    To date, intersexphobia (or interphobia) has not been the subject of psychological research.
  • 2019, Nikoletta Pikramenou, Intersex Rights: Living Between Sexes, page 76:
    As a result, these laws reinforce negative social attitudes such as interphobia.
  • 2020, Patrick Wielowiejski, "Identitarian Gays and Threatening Queers, Or: How the Far Right Constructs New Chains of Equivalence", in Right-Wing Populism and Gender: European Perspectives and Beyond (Gabriele Dietze & Julia Roth), page 139:
    [] when I was officially his intern in parliament as part of my fieldwork, we argued over an action plan that the state government had commissioned to tackle homophobia, transphobia, and interphobia.
  • 2020, Ksenija Joksimović, Activist Identity Development of Transgender Social Justice Activists and Educators, page 154:
    That is especially important if we want to prevent harassment of LGBTQI youth in education contexts, and to develop education provision that doesn't fuel and perpetuate homophobia, interphobia, and transphobia.
  • 2021, Ylva Odenbring & Thomas Johansson, Violence, Victimisation and Young People: Education and Safe Learning Environments, page 158:
    Also intersexphobia or interphobia, but in this chapter I focus on LGBT people and not on intersex people.
  • 2022, Valérie V. Suhr, Rainbow Jurisdiction at the International Criminal Court: Protection of Sexual and Gender Minorities Under the Rome Statute, page 16:
    Not only sexual and gender minorities suffer from crimes directed at them because of homo-, bi-, trans-, or interphobia.