Citations:rape van

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English citations of rape van

A van with certain characteristics enabling the user to commit sexual assault.
  1. 1997, Wendy Kaminer, True Love Waits: Essays and Criticism, page 133:
    It would be difficult even to raise questions about the accuracy of the rape van story, however, in the highly emotional atmosphere of a slide show; you'd be accused of "not believing the women."
  2. 2004, James P. Sterba, Morality in practice, p. 387:
    In addition to condemnations of male sexuality, Dines offered questionable horror stories about pornography's atrocities, like this: Rape vans are roaming the streets of New York. Women are dragged into the vans and raped on camera; when their attackers sell the rape videos in commercial outlets, the women have no legal recourse.
  3. 2008, Anthony Swofford, Exit A: A Novel, p. 14:
    There were no abductions, no girls lured into rape vans with promises of modeling careers or screen time, no burglaries in the parking lot.
  4. 2008, Mark Lindquist, The King of Methlehem: A Novel, p. 101:
    On his right is a large gray van with no windows, a rape van, as they are known in Pierce County.
  5. 2009, Nick Douglas, Twitter Wit: Brilliance in 140 Characters Or Less, p. 99:
    Like little tube socks on each and every one. califmom Was excited to see the “Concert Tickets” link in iTunes until it took me to TicketMaster. The Internet equivalent of candy and a rape van.
  6. 2010, Eric Smith, Textual Healing, p. 183:
    ...if you want to teach younger kids a lesson, then teach them not to talk to strangers, how to cross the street, not to take candy or puppies out of scary looking rape vans... things of that nature.
  7. 2012, Jonathan Ezor, Privacy and Data Protection in Business
    Similar incidents of embarrassing tweets being publicized and leading to termination in 2011 alone included a profanity-laden message in the official Chrysler Twitter account, three legislative assistants to Democratic Congressman Rick Larsen tweeting negatively about Larsen and their jobs, and Mixed Martial Arts fighter Miguel Torres tweeting, “If a rape van was called a surprise van more women wouldn't mind going for rides in them. Everyone likes surprises.”
  8. 2014, Travis J. Hawke, Claire Bradshaw, The Bachelor Life, page 100:
    [D]on't accept drinks from the type of strangers who will lead you away from your group and have you waking up securely tied to the mattress in the back of their rape van behind the club...
  9. 2015, Roger Hunt, Robert Arp, It's Always Sunny and Philosophy, page 26:
    Likewise, in “The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis,” Mac, Dennis, and Charlie try to exploit high gas prices by traveling around in Frank's rape van, attempting to sell gasoline door-to-door.