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local p = {}

-- For cy (Latitude to SVG y-axis conversion)
local lat_to_cy_slope = -168.26169
local lat_to_cy_intercept = 7139.742 - 38

-- For cx (Longitude to SVG x-axis conversion)
local long_to_cx_slope = 128.57334
local long_to_cx_intercept = -5545.179 - 32

local function lat_to_cy(lat)
    return lat_to_cy_slope * lat + lat_to_cy_intercept

local function long_to_cx(long)
    return long_to_cx_slope * long + long_to_cx_intercept

function p.calculatePosition(frame)
    local lat = tonumber( 
    local long = tonumber(frame.args.long) 
    -- Safety checks in case lat or long aren't provided or aren't numbers
	if not lat then
	 return "Error: Latitude not provided!"

	if not long then
	 return "Error: Longitude not provided!"
    local cy = lat_to_cy(lat)
    local cx = long_to_cx(long)

local color = frame.args.color or "red"  -- default to red if no color provided
return string.format('<div style="position:absolute; top:%fpx; left:%fpx;"><span style="display:block; width:8px; height:8px; background-color:%s; border-radius:50%%;"></span></div>', cy, cx, color)

return p